Sunday, March 6, 2016

Keeping track of Page numbers

As documents grow and change, keeping track of page number references, and Table of Contents can get complicated.
Word has several built in templetes but if ypu want to customize here is the trick.

Here is a simple TOC

Here is our page 2

Suppose we add a section before. and our story is now on Page 3
Full Layout

We can bookmark each section

Insert bookmark
Name it using only 1 word ( can use" _" to seperate)

Do for other sections

Go to the Table of contents and select the original number or where you want page number placed.

ON the "No Page number place"  Select Quick Parts and field

In catagory select Page ref, for this page # select bookmark wordtips and ok

Result New correct page # on word tips

Now set up Brown Fox 
Select the page #
Bookmark Brownfox

Go to Quick Parts
Select Pageref
Select Brownfox bookmark and ok

Result is Correct page numbers
 In a TOC you might have to Cut and Paste Line to reorder to match new page numbers but Page numbers will be correct

Inserting the numbers for the first time they are referenced to where they are at that point.

Hitting "F9" Updates entire sheet so All Indexes and pageref's are up dated to their current position.

Can use to point to a bookmarked  to another page  within text just bookmark it and apply pageref to that bookmark

Word Quick Parts

Under the Insert tab in the text section is a section called Quick Parts
For example :

Select some text that you may use a lot and might even have some  complex indexing scheme that requires  a minor change such as a date:

Select Quick Parts  Save selection to quick parts Gallery.
You can set it up as a Quick Parts gallery but I prefer AutoText.

Create a name and a category. Since I am using this a a Heading Separator I left it as ******* 

Select ok

Next time you want to use the text go to quick parts select Building Blocks Organizer

And select your created Building Block and hit  insert


We can modify just the date
Change out of Paragraph view

To view  normal
All the formatting and indexing is inserted and we only had to change the date

Paragraphs, anything you use can be recreated and make minor modifications if necessary