Saturday, February 20, 2016

Word Shortcuts


F5 opens "goto" page; If you enter page number 26 you want to go Page 26

Shift F5

Shift F5 takes you to the last place you were editing in the document

Shift F3

Shift F3 Changes Sentence case: How are you?; HOW ARE YOU?; how are you?; How Are You?

Cntl Shift +

Subscripts: to make  something Sub script this is subscript Select text and hit: cntl shift +; to make normal hit: cntl shift +, again.

Move Text

Rather than Cut, paste (cntl x, Cntl v) you can move text by highlighting it, selecting F2, placing your cursor where you want it and hitting enter.

Non Breaking Space

To make words stay together than break apart because of a new line you can use "Non- Breaking Spaces"

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